Outlook web access ( exchange OWA ), Exchange web- redirect not working.

Your request couldn’t be completed because no server with the correct security settings was found to handle the request. If the problem continues, contact your helpdesk
If you received the above error when trying to access client mailboxes through OWA via your new Exchange 2010 CAS server that still exist on your legacy 2003 or 2007 Exchange server then you need to do the following (this information is provided by TechNet, it just isn’t obvious when you are searching for the above error)
Systems effected- exchange 2003, 2007, 2010,
Any version of IE, or Chrome.
1. Export your SSL Certificate from your 2010 server and Import it into your 2003/2007 server.
1. Export the digital certificate to the variable $file using the following command. NOTE You can also perform the export through the ESM > Server Configuration > Export Exchange Certificate
$file = Export-ExchangeCertificate -Thumbprint 5113ae0233a72fccb75b1d0198628675333d010e -BinaryEncoded:$true -Password (Get-Credential).password
2. The following command uses the Set-Content cmdlet to write data stored in the variable $file to the file htcert.pfx.
Set-Content -Path “c:\certificates\htcert.pfx” -Value $file.FileData -Encoding Byte
To install a digital certificate on an Exchange 2003 server, use the following steps.
1. Copy the exported certificate to a location that can be accessed from the Exchange 2003 server.
2. Right-click the .pfx file, and choose Install PFX.
3. After the Certificate Import Wizard launches, click Next twice to access the Password page.
4. Type the password for the private key in the Password field, and then click Next.
5. Select Automatically select the certificate store based on the type of certificate, click Next, and then click Finish.
To install a digital certificate on an Exchange 2007 server, use the following steps.

1. Copy the exported certificate to a location that can be accessed from the Exchange 2007 server.
2. Using the Exchange Management Shell run the following command.
Import-ExchangeCertificate -Path c:\certificates\
2. Configure your Exchange2003URL
1. Configure the Exchange2003URL. This parameter is only necessary when you have users with mailboxes on Exchange 2003 at the same time as users with mailboxes on Exchange 2010. In that case, set this parameter to the legacy DNS endpoint, for example, http://legacy.contoso.com. This parameter can be set with the following code.
Set-OWAVirtualDirectory -Identity \owa -Exchange2003URL https://legacymail.contoso.com/exchange
2. Click OK to confirm your changes.