Enterprise Mail Setup- Outlook 2013 IMAP


Windows: Outlook 2013 (IMAP)

This article will assist you with setting up Outlook 2013 with your Hosted Mailbox.

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Select the "File" tab. Then "Add Account".
  3. Select "Manual setup or additional server types". Click "Next". Select "POP or IMAP" and click "Next".
  4. In the "Add New Account" window, input the following information:
    1. "Your Name": The name email recipients will see in the "From" field.
    2. "Email Address": user@yourdomain.com
    3. "Account Type": IMAP
      1. "Incoming mail server": (We recommend secure.emailsrvr.com)
      2. "Outgoing mail server (SMTP)": (We recommend secure.emailsrvr.com)
        smtp.emailsrvr.comNo25, 2525, 587, 8025
    4. "Logon Information":
      1. "Username": user@yourdomain.com
      2. "Password": Your mailbox password
  5. Click on "More Settings" then click the "Outgoing Server" Tab
    1. Check the box for "My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication".
    2. Check the button for "Use same settings as my incoming mail server".
  6. If using "secure.emailsrvr.com": Click on the "Advanced" Tab
    1. Change "Use the following type of encrypted connection" to "SSL".
    2. Change the port numbers to match the chart on step 4.c. Click "OK".
  7. Click "Next". Outlook will now attempt to send a test message using the settings we have just put in. If everything was entered correctly, the message will send out successfully.
  8. Congratulations! You have now setup Outlook to work with your Mailbox!

Didn't work? Check out these common issues...
Authentication failed, Username/Password incorrect
Check that your username reflects exactly what you see displayed above. For certain mailboxes, the username will be different from your email address. If correct, try re-typing your password.
Send test e-mail message: Failed
Port 25 is typically blocked by internet service providers (ISPs). Try changing the port within your Outbound Email Server settings. Alternative ports are 465, 587, 2525, 8025.
Log onto incoming mail server: Failed